6 May 2010

denim on denim?

Super quick post, just in got in from dance and i'm stooped (stooped? what kinda word is that!) but i have finally had time to at least do a post as all week i have been stressing over learning french which was finally over today, YES. Um yeah simple outfit, but i kinda like the top button done up on the denim jacket, and technically the dress is chambray but still thats like a form of denim. So what do you think the denim on denim look yay or nay? or maybe only alexa can carry it off?



  1. Your outfit is super cute! I like denim on denim when it's done right. I'm always a little hesitant of doing it and looking like a weird redneck or mechanic.

  2. i just stumbled upon your blog and i'm so glad i did.
    i love your style.

  3. Do it!!! You look great, you can totally pull it off!! I really love how you've layered it.

  4. No, you can definitely carry it off! I love this trend to pieces. I have a chambray romper that I keep wearing over and over again. I try to wear different shoes, but I think people are starting to notice ;)

  5. i really like double denim when it's worn right, and you certainkly pull it off just as well as pixie & alexa! you look so cute, the black tights and boots go perfet.

  6. denim on denim! this season hit!

  7. not normally a fan of denim full stop, but i'm suprised, you look really good!
    cute blog, i really like your style (:

    lady stardust x

  8. They both look great at all times.

  9. You can definitely pull off the denim on denim look!

    I can't get enough of denim dresses, they are so cute and easy!

  10. I love denim on denim and you're totally making it work! I've been holding off on trying it out because up here people call a full-denim look the "Canadian Tuxedo" and laugh at it. Poor Canada :( Anyway, you've inspired me to reject the naysayers and go for the gold (or blue, I suppose...)

  11. amazing, the d on d looks really good on you!
    love all this pieces here! adorable

  12. Looks perfect. You wear it very well! The dress is awesome.

  13. Yes! It looks very cute, I love it.
    Denim on denim makes me also think, it's still weird to do.
    but it look really, really great!

  14. Denim on denim totally works on you, great outfit! And the second photo, they both look so chic, lovely blog!



  15. I love Alexa!!!
    Nice look!!
    I following you! xoxo


  16. Just came across your blog & I say yay to double denim! Love chambray, this looks great on you!

  17. Love the denim and super cute photo! Just found your blog and became a follower through weardrobe. Hope your day is incredible :)

  18. I believe all denim remains a classic look. You did it right!

  19. I think denim on denim can only go one of two ways. It is either AMAZING or it looks horrid... like bad canadian tuxedo horrid. I think what you did really works. The light colored chambrays are definitely the best way to work this trend.

  20. I wasn't a fan of denim on denim at first. But now, I love it! I usually mix a denim jacket or darker jeans with chambray as well, it makes the look more understated. That outfit you put together is great!

    Great blog as well, definitely following you now :)


  21. Love the denim on denim! You look great and I love the chambray dress! xx

  22. You've equalled Alexa! I think it looks great on you, really effortless (: xo

  23. loving the double denim xxxxx

  24. big fan of the double denim, especially on alexa but anything on her is a must have. I prefer dark jeans with a light denim shirt

  25. You look very cute! If the denim is in different colors and weaves, it can look just fine, though I won't be doing it anytime soon. Too many 5th grade flashbacks.

  26. Love this post! You can definitely pull it off.
    Alexa and Pixie look uber-cute :-)

